Richard Thor Coryell

"....you'll never know how far you can go until you go beyond what you thought possible."
Hi there everyone I'm Richard Thor or better known as Thor, to those who know me. To say art is just a passion of mine would be an understatement, it not only saved my life but I use it to change the lives of others daily. I've had formal training at Kansas City Art Institute, but am mainly self-taught. Through many ups and downs, I never let anything stop the drive, passion and burning desire for art I had inside me.
Currently my skills are focused on penciling, inking, digital coloring, digital painting, logo designs, and charcoal; although I do dabble in photography, writing, performance art and public speaking. I started this business from absolutely nothing and everywhere I travel I inspire and motivate others to do what they are passionate about. Nothing is impossible in life, I'm the example of that. Don't give up, don't ever give up, and keep smiling through life's challenges. Come check out my up to date art.